How to Reset Nigeria: A Comprehensive Approach

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Words of Dr. Okeremi

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"Beyond economic challenges, the crux of the matter lies in defining the essence of being Nigerian."

The question of resetting Nigeria is a profound and multi-faceted one, prompting a thoughtful contemplation of various dimensions. While economic and financial challenges exist, the fundamental issue appears to be rooted in a value-system problem.

Addressing this challenge involves a critical examination of our values and a clear definition of what it means to be Nigerian. Current circumstances, shaped by difficult times, have led to widespread dissatisfaction with the government. These challenges, accumulated over 63 years, demand a surgical and potentially painful intervention.

Achieving economic recovery is not a quick fix and will require time, barring unforeseen serendipitous events. The ongoing conflict in Israel and Palestine, for instance, could impact Nigeria positively if managed adeptly. However, sustainable solutions involve attracting foreign investments, prudent borrowing, maximizing remittances, and leveraging the diaspora.

Beyond economic challenges, the crux of the matter lies in defining the essence of being Nigerian. Unity can transcend language barriers, as shared experiences of pain and lack bind the nation together. Fostering a positive national identity is crucial, akin to other nations where citizens take pride in their heritage.

Nigeria is admired globally for its charity, creativity, and industrious spirit. Contrary to biased perceptions, Nigerians are hardworking and have faith, readily following leaders they trust. Leadership, particularly in austere times, demands not just citizens tightening their belts but leaders setting examples by patronizing locally made products.

National pride plays a pivotal role in the success of great nations. Embracing the ethos of producing what is consumed and consuming what is produced is vital, even if the initial products seem substandard. Learning and improvement over time will propel the nation toward global competitiveness.

Identifying areas of competitiveness and focusing on the entire value chain allows Nigeria to compete globally. Initial challenges, such as higher costs and less aesthetic appeal, can be overcome through a commitment to continuous learning and improvement.

Government actions that instill trust and inspire confidence in citizens are crucial. Additionally, reshaping the narrative of Nigerian identity is essential. Dismissing negative stereotypes, highlighting success stories, and promoting a positive image will contribute to reshaping perceptions both locally and globally.

Strategic moves, driven by leadership, can redefine the narrative of who Nigerians truly are. Celebrating success stories, amplifying positive role models, and creating processes that facilitate the replication of success will contribute to building a robust and positive national identity. Ultimately, fostering a sound value system that instills pride in individual achievements will pave the way for Nigeria to reach new heights.

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